
Tottering Campaign

A good Maureen Dowd article appears in today's Times. The usually punchy Democratic Dowd is expressing a sentiment increasingly common to even the biggest Kerry supporters.

It's a remarkable feat, but teeter-tottering John Kerry is even managing to land on both sides of the ambition issue. For his entire life, he was seen as so ambitious to be president, as so eager to consort with heiresses, that it was off-putting; his St. Paul's classmates played "Hail to the Chief" on kazoos when he walked by, and in the Senate, Bob Dole mocked the Massachusetts senator's love of cameras by nicknaming him Live Shot.

But this summer, when that lust for power should have been coursing through his veins, Mr. Kerry grew timid and logy. He let the Bush crowd and Swift boat character assassins stomp all over him and, for the longest time, didn't fight back. He stumbled into every trap Bush Inc. set.

Read the rest of the article here.  

Originally published 9/12/04

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