
Procrastinating With Fake Polls

It's finals time, and as everyone knows, it can be stressful. A student health awareness packet I picked up off the street told me that doing things that I enjoy can be helping in relieving stress. For me, one of those things is shooting ideas off the top of my head. In an earlier post, I left as an intellectual exercise to the reader coming up with a list of poll questions as intellectually bankrupt as possible. I'm going to take a shot at coming up with my own here; the reader is warned they will be of varying degrees of funniness.

Where is Osama Bin Laden right now, Pakistan or Afganistan?

follow-up poll next day: Where is Osama Bin Laden right now, Saudi Arabia or Iran?

In your opinion, according to Barry Bonds' doctors, is Barry Bonds taking steroids, yes or no?

In your opinion, according to Barry Bonds' conscience, is Barry Bonds taking steroids, yes or no?

In your opinion, is the universe expanding, yes or no?

Is it your opinion that evolution is true, yes or no?

In your opinion, does the hypotenuse of a right triangle squared equal the first leg squared plus the second leg squared, yes or no?

Is Osama Bin Laden responsible for the 9/11 attacks, or not?

In your opinion, does George Bush give a crap about political opinion polls?

Anyone reading this should leave their own suggestions in the comments section.

1 comment:

Adam Kraus said...

I somehow knew that one was coming...